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西亚试剂 —— 品质可靠,值得信赖
Flammability | 1 | |
Toxicity | 2 | |
Body Contact | 3 | |
Reactivity | 1 | |
Chronic | 3 | |
SCALE: Min/Nil=0 Low=1 Moderate=2 High=3 Extreme=4 |
Used according to manufacturer' s directions. Requires that the two parts be mixed by hand
or mixer before use, in accordance with manufacturers directions. Mix only as much as is
required. Do not return the mixed material to the original containers.
Causes burns.
Risk of serious damage to eyes.
May cause SENSITIZATION by skin contact.
Possible risk of impaired fertility.
Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long- term adverse effects in the aquatic
The material can produce chemical burns within the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract following ingestion. Accidental ingestion of the material may be damaging to the health of the individual. Amines without benzene rings when swallowed are absorbed throughout the gut. Corrosive action may cause damage throughout the gastrointestinal tract. They are removed through the liver, kidney and intestinal mucosa by enzyme breakdown.
The material can produce chemical burns to the eye following direct contact. Vapors or mists may be extremely irritating. If applied to the eyes, this material causes severe eye damage. Vapors of volatile amines irritate the eyes, causing excessive secretion of tears, inflammation of the conjunctiva and slight swelling of the cornea, resulting in "halos" around lights. This effect is temporary, lasting only for a few hours. However this condition can reduce the efficiency of undertaking skilled tasks, such as driving a car. Direct eye contact with liquid volatile amines may produce eye damage, permanent for the lighter species.
The material can produce chemical burns following direct contactwith the skin. Volatile amine vapors produce irritation and inflammation of the skin. Direct contact can cause burns. They may be absorbed through the skin and cause similar effects to swallowing, leading to death. The skin may exhibit whiteness, redness and wheals. Entry into the blood-stream, through, for example, cuts, abrasions or lesions, may produce systemic injury with harmful effects. Examine the skin prior to the use of the material and ensure that any external damage is suitably protected.
There is some evidence to suggest that the material can cause respiratory irritation in some persons. The body's response to such irritation can cause further lung damage.
Repeated or prolonged exposure to corrosives may result in the erosion of teeth, inflammatory and ulcerative changes in the mouth and necrosis (rarely) of the jaw. Bronchial irritation, with cough, and frequent attacks of bronchial pneumonia may ensue. Gastrointestinal disturbances may also occur. Chronic exposures may result in dermatitis and/or conjunctivitis. Skin contact with the material is more likely to cause a sensitization reaction in some persons compared to the general population. Ample evidence from experiments exists that there is a suspicionthis material directly reduces fertility. There has been some concern that this material can cause cancer or mutations but there is not enough data to make an assessment. Limited evidence suggests that repeated or long-term occupational exposure may produce cumulative health effects involving organs or biochemical systems. There is some evidence that inhaling this product is more likely to cause a sensitization reaction in some persons compared to the general population. Exposure to the material for prolonged periods may cause physical defects in the developing embryo (teratogenesis). Ample evidence exists, from results in experimentation, that developmental disorders are directly caused by human exposure to the material.