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西亚试剂 —— 品质可靠,值得信赖
Flammability | 1 | |
Toxicity | 2 | |
Body Contact | 4 | |
Reactivity | 1 | |
Chronic | 2 | |
SCALE: Min/Nil=0 Low=1 Moderate=2 High=3 Extreme=4 |
Photographic processing chemical - for industrial use only.
"PCD 11020"
Contact with acids liberates toxic gas.
Causes severe burns.
Risk of serious damage to eyes.
Very toxic to aquatic organisms.
The material can produce severe chemical burns within the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract following ingestion. Ingestion of alkaline corrosives may produce burns around the mouth, ulcerations and swellings of the mucous membranes, profuse saliva production, with an inability to speak or swallow. Both the esophagus and stomach may experience burning pain; vomiting and diarrhea may follow. Epiglottal swelling may result in respiratory distress and asphyxia; shock can occur. Narrowing of the esophagus, stomach or stomach valve may occur immediately or after a long delay (weeks to years). Severe exposure can perforate the esophagus or stomach leading to infections of the chest or abdominal cavity, with low chest pain, abdominal stiffness and fever. All of the above can cause death. Considered an unlikely route of entry in commercial/industrial environments. If ingested, sulfide salts can form hydrogen sulfide, causing headache, cyanosis, low blood pressure, loss of consciousness, tremors and convulsions.
The material can produce severe chemical burns to the eye following direct contact. Vapors or mists may be extremely irritating. If applied to the eyes, this material causes severe eye damage. Direct eye contact with corrosive bases can cause pain and burns. There may be swelling, epithelium destruction, clouding of the cornea and inflammation of the iris. Mild cases often resolve; severe cases can be prolonged with complications such as persistent swelling, scarring, permanent cloudiness, bulging of the eye, cataracts, eyelids glued to the eyeball and blindness. Exposure to H2S may produce pain, blurred vision, and irritation. These symptoms are temporary in all but severe cases. Eye irritation may produce conjunctivitis, photophobia, pain, and at higher concentrations blurred vision and corneal blistering.
The material can produce severe chemical burns following direct contactwith the skin. Skin contact with alkaline corrosives may produce severe pain and burns; brownish stains may develop. The corroded area may be soft, gelatinous and necrotic; tissue destruction may be deep. Entry into the blood-stream, through, for example, cuts, abrasions or lesions, may produce systemic injury with harmful effects. Examine the skin prior to the use of the material and ensure that any external damage is suitably protected.
Inhalation may produce health damage*. If inhaled, this material can irritate the throat andlungs of some persons. Inhaling corrosive bases may irritate the respiratory tract. Symptoms include cough, choking, pain and damage to the mucous membrane. In severe cases, lung swelling may develop, sometimes after a delay of hours to days. There may be low blood pressure, a weak and rapid pulse, and crackling sounds. Hydrogen sulfide poisoning can cause increased secretion of saliva, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, giddiness, headache, vertigo, memory loss, palpitations, heartbeat irregularities, weakness, muscle cramps, confusion, sudden collapse, unconsciousness and death due to paralysis of breathing (at levels above 300 parts per million). The "rotten egg" odor is not a good indicator of exposure since odor fatigue occurs and odor is lost at over 200 ppm. The gas can enter the body through a punctured ear drum and even wearing some respiratory protection. Immediate supportive care is essential. Ensure medical help is addressed as part of the site emergency plan and that employees who may be accidentally exposed are made aware of the existence of such a plan.
Repeated or prolonged exposure to corrosives may result in the erosion of teeth, inflammatory and ulcerative changes in the mouth and necrosis (rarely) of the jaw. Bronchial irritation, with cough, and frequent attacks of bronchial pneumonia may ensue. Gastrointestinal disturbances may also occur. Chronic exposures may result in dermatitis and/or conjunctivitis. Long term low level exposure to hydrogen sulfide may produce headache, fatigue, dizziness, irritability and loss of sexual desire. These symptoms may also result when exposed to hydrogen sulfide at high concentration for a short period of time. Long term exposure to high dust concentrations may cause changes in lung function i.e. pneumoconiosis; caused by particles less than 0.5 micron penetrating and remaining in the lung. Prime symptom is breathlessness; lung shadows show on X-ray.