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西亚试剂 —— 品质可靠,值得信赖
Flammability | 0 | |
Toxicity | 4 | |
Body Contact | 4 | |
Reactivity | 0 | |
Chronic | 2 | |
SCALE: Min/Nil=0 Low=1 Moderate=2 High=3 Extreme=4 |
Part A of a two part polyurethane product.
"polyurethane product Electrolube"
Danger of cumulative effects.
Limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect.
Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure in contact
with skin and if swallowed.
Very toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed.
Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long- term adverse effects in the
aquatic environment.
Severely toxic effects may result from the accidental ingestion of the material; animal experiments indicate that ingestion of less than 5 gram may be fatal or may produce serious damage to the health of the individual. The material has NOT been classified as "harmful by ingestion". This is because of the lack of corroborating animal or human evidence. The material may still be damaging to the health of the individual, following ingestion, especially where pre-existing organ (e.g. liver, kidney) damage is evident. Present definitions of harmful or toxic substances are generally based on doses producing mortality (death) rather than those producing morbidity (disease, ill-health). Gastrointestinal tract discomfort may produce nausea and vomiting. In an occupational setting however, unintentional ingestion is not thought to be cause for concern.
Although the liquid is not thought to be an irritant, direct contact with the eye may produce transient discomfort characterized by tearing or conjunctival redness (as with windburn).
Skin contact with the material may produce severely toxic effects; systemic effects may result following absorption and these may be fatal. The material is not thought to produce adverse health effects or skin irritation following contact (as classified using animal models). Nevertheless, good hygiene practice requires that exposure be kept to a minimum and that suitable gloves be used in an occupational setting. Entry into the blood-stream, through, for example, cuts, abrasions or lesions, may produce systemic injury with harmful effects. Examine the skin prior to the use of the material and ensure that any external damage is suitably protected.
The material is not thought to produce adverse health effects or irritation of the respiratory tract (as classified using animal models). Nevertheless, good hygiene practice requires that exposure be kept to a minimum and that suitable control measures be used in an occupational setting.
There has been concern that this material can cause cancer or mutations, but there is not enough data to make an assessment.
Limited evidence suggests that repeated or long-term occupational exposure may produce cumulative health effects involving organs or biochemical systems. Repeated or prolonged exposure to antimony and its compounds may produce inflammation of the mouth cavity, dry throat, metallic taste, gum infection, perforation of the nasal septum and throat, laryngitis, headache, difficulty breathing, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, anemia, weight loss, tightness and pain in the chest, sleeplessness, muscular pain and weakness, dizziness, pharyngitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. Degenerative changes of the liver and kidney may occur. Chronic exposure to antimony compounds may result in itchiness, spots and pus blisters around sweat glands, Workers exposed to antimony can develop obstructive lung disease. Antimony crosses the placenta and is excreted in breast milk. There may be an increased incidence of spontaneous late abortions, premature births, and gynecological problems among female antimony smelter workers. Antimony may be associated with an increased incidence of cancers of the lung and chest. Mercury easily crosses the placenta and causes birth defects. Chronic exposure results in excess saliva production, loss of appetite, stomach upset, vague abdominal discomfort and mild diarrhea. The kidneys are rarely involved. Chronic mercury poisoning usually shows itself mainly as effects on the nervous system, especially the central nervous system. There may be tremors involving the hands and fingers, eyelids, cheeks, legs and tongue. Motor control may be impaired, leading to slurred or scanning speech and inco-ordinated walking. Disturbance with seeing or hearing may occur There may be behavior changes such as depression, despondency and fearfulness, often accompanied by sleep disturbance, headache and fatigue. Advanced cases show memory loss, hallucinations and deterioration in mental function. Other symptoms include a constant metallic taste, and various levels of gum inflammation, leading to periodontal disease and loosening of teeth. A dark blue line may occur along the gum margins. Uncommonly, a syndrome known as acrodynia ("pink disease") may occur, of which the major symptom is itchy scaling of the hands and feet.