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西亚试剂 —— 品质可靠,值得信赖
Flammability | 1 | |
Toxicity | 2 | |
Body Contact | 2 | |
Reactivity | 2 | |
Chronic | 2 | |
SCALE: Min/Nil=0 Low=1 Moderate=2 High=3 Extreme=4 |
Printing ink additive.
In use, may form flammable/ explosive vapor- air mixture.
May cause SENSITIZATION by skin contact.
Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin.
The material has NOT been classified as "harmful by ingestion". This is because of the lack of corroborating animal or human evidence. The material may still be damaging to the health of the individual, following ingestion, especially where pre-existing organ (e.g. liver, kidney) damage is evident. Present definitions of harmful or toxic substances are generally based on doses producing mortality (death) rather than those producing morbidity (disease, ill-health). Gastrointestinal tract discomfort may produce nausea and vomiting. In an occupational setting however, unintentional ingestion is not thought to be cause for concern.
There is evidence that material may produce eye irritation in some persons and produce eye damage 24 hours or more after instillation. Severe inflammation may be expected with pain. There may be damage to the cornea. Unless treatment is prompt and adequate there may be permanent loss of vision. Conjunctivitis can occur following repeated exposure. The liquid produces a high level of eye discomfort and is capable of causing pain and severe conjunctivitis. Corneal injury may develop, with possible permanent impairment of vision, if not promptly and adequately treated.
The material may cause moderate inflammation of the skin either following direct contact or after a delay of some time. Repeated exposure can cause contact dermatitis which is characterized by redness, swelling and blistering. Skin contact with the material may damage the health of the individual; systemic effects may result following absorption. All multifunctional acrylates (MFA) produce skin disorders and sensitize the skin and inflammation. Vapors generated by the heat of milling may occur in sufficient concentration to produce inflammation. Because exposure to industrial aerosols of MFA includes exposure to resin systems, photo- initiators, solvents, hydrogen-transfer agents, stabilizers, surfactants, fillers and polymerization inhibitors, poisoning may arise due to a range of chemical actions. Entry into the blood-stream, through, for example, cuts, abrasions or lesions, may produce systemic injury with harmful effects. Examine the skin prior to the use of the material and ensure that any external damage is suitably protected. Absorption by skin may readily exceed vapor inhalation exposure. Symptoms for skin absorption are the same as for inhalation.
Inhalation may produce health damage*. The material can cause respiratory irritation in some persons. The body's response to such irritation can cause further lung damage. Inhalation of vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. This may be accompanied by narcosis, reduced alertness, loss of reflexes, lack of coordination and vertigo. Inhalation hazard is increased at higher temperatures. No report of respiratory illness in humans as a result of exposure tomultifunctional acrylates has been found. Inhalation of high concentrations of gas/vapor causes lung irritation with coughing and nausea, central nervous depression with headache and dizziness, slowing of reflexes, fatigue and inco-ordination. If exposure to highly concentrated solvent atmosphere is prolonged this may lead to narcosis, unconsciousness, even coma and possible death.
Long-term exposure to respiratory irritants may result in disease of the airways involving difficult breathing and related systemic problems. Skin contact with the material is more likely to cause a sensitization reaction in some persons compared to the general population. Limited evidence suggests that repeated or long-term occupational exposure may produce cumulative health effects involving organs or biochemical systems. There is some evidence that inhaling this product is more likely to cause a sensitization reaction in some persons compared to the general population. Sensitization may give severe responses to very low levels of exposure, i.e. hypersensitivity. Sensitized persons should not be allowed to work in situations where exposure may occur.